Articles by Nicholas Zwart

ISMRM Demo Primer

GPI is going to be presented at the ISMRM 2019 Open-Source Software Tools for MR Pulse Design, Simulation & Reconstruction Weekend Course. The format of this session will be to allow developers to...

GPI and the BART

Recently, the BORG has been used to wrap the Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (BART) into a GPI node library for the purpose of allowing GPI users to easily explore and utilize this new...

GPI v1 Release

The GPI version 1-beta is available for download! This version marks some major framework changes with the transition to Python 3, packaging via, PyFI API support for the Eigen...

Editor's Pick!

The GPI article entitled "Graphical programming interface: A development environment for MRI methods" has been chosen as one of the MRM Editor's Picks for November! There is also a short interview...

Philips Raw Data Reader

The Philips raw data reader node, for MR data, is now available as a binary release. Users of the Philips raw data formats can directly import the raw data into GPI and start investigating. Thanks...

GPI v½ Release

GPI v0.5 is now available for download in its first public release!   The GPI project has been able to develop into a robust first release thanks to the efforts of the Keller Center for Imaging...

New Tutorial Screencasts

New screencasts have been added to help users get started. There is now a quick-start guide that covers the user interface as well as exercise units that introduce the functionality of the most...

Whats New in Version 0.2

This release is available in native packages for OSX and Linux as well as a Linux virtual machine. The package is built upon the multi-platform Python distribution “Anaconda”, from Continuum...

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