Recent Updates to GPI

Posted by Daniel Borup on Fri 06 March 2020

Interested in trying GPI? It's easier than ever to get started!

We've been making some major behind-the-scenes upgrades to GPI in recent months! We've added the ability to run GPI natively on Windows, squashed a few bugs, and streamlined the installation process to help new users get up and running quickly. All of this means a smoother experience for new and existing users alike.

GPI can be used by anyone from a new Python coder to an experienced MRI reconstruction developer — and we want everyone to be able to install and run GPI without hassle. To facilitate this, we'll be supporting two methods of GPI installation going forward: one using the graphical "Anaconda Navigator", and the other using the command line. GPI will look and feel exactly the same regardless of which method you choose. For more details, visit the newly-updated Install GPI page.

Once you've installed GPI and the core nodes, you'll want to keep them up to date as updates are released frequently. You can do this through conda (see the install page for details), or using GPI itself! Just look under:

  • Mac: GPI > Search For Updates
  • Linux/Windows: Help > Search For Updates

Contributing to GPI

We value community contributions highly and hope you'll consider pitching in to make GPI even better! All of our development work is carried out at Feel free to have a look at the code, start a fork of any of the repositories, and communicate with us via Issues for any bugs, feature requests, or general thoughts. We already have more feature ideas than we have time to implement them, so we'd love your help!